Very smart students whom I am fortunate to supervise in their thesis
- Arthur Lebeurrier, Sept 2024 - present -
Co-supervision with Rémi Gribonval (HDR) and CNES.
Optimized on-board decision with fast energy-efficient neural networks.
- Can Pouliquen, Nov 2022 - present -
Co-supervision with Mathurin Massias and Paulo Gonçalves (HDR).
Automatic estimation of functional connectivity graphs in neuroscience.
Objective: Develop machine learning methods for faithfully, rapidly, and without calibration estimating dynamic graphs from M/EEG signals.
- Hugues Van Assel, Sept 2021 - Dec 2024 -
Co-supervision with Aurélien Garivier (HDR).
Latent graphical models for dimensionality reduction.
Objective: Develop new dimensionality reduction methods using tools from optimal transport, graph analysis, and probabilistic modeling.
Some workshops
- We organized with Rémi Flamary the GDR IASIS dat ‘‘Optimal transport and its applications in machine learning and data analysis’’ (February 17, 2025). Link to the program.
- We organized with Mathurin Massias the RT MIA thematic day entitled ‘‘Dimensionality Reduction for Learning and Visualization’’ (November 10, 2023). Link to the program.
- In partnership with IXXI, we organized the day entitled ‘‘Frugality and Machine Learning’’ (September 11, 2023). Link to the program.
- We organized with Arnaud Breloy the special session entitled ‘‘Graph Learning and Learning with Graphs’’ during GRETSI 2023.
Some selected talks
- Vannes at OBELIX team Learning graphs with precision matrices: statistical estimators, compressive approches, unrolled neural networks
- GDR IASIS “Mesures informationnelles classiques, quantiques et généralisations - entropies, divergences, métriques intégrales de probabilité, information de Fisher” Controlling Wasserstein Distances by Kernel Norms with Application to Compressive Statistical Learning
- CIROQUO days Unifying Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering with Gromov-Wasserstein Projection.
- CIRM Towards Compressive Recovery of Sparse Precision Matrices.
- European Summer School on AI (IDESSAI): From compressed sensing to machine learning to compressive learning.
- November & December 2021: I gave a talk “Less is More ? How Optimal Transport can help for compressive learning” in CMAP Ecole Polytechnique for the GDR ISIS meeting Transport Optimal et Apprentissage Statistique
. You can find the slides here. - January 2020: I was invited at MIA UMR 518 Paris to talk about “The optimal transportation problem for structured data”. You can find the slides here.